Cardiff University
Cardiff University – университет с более чем столетней историей. Он находится в столице Уэльса - г. Кардифф, является одним из ведущих исследовательских университетов Великобритании (один из 24 участников Russel Group). Университет Кардиффа входит в ТОП-15 лучших вузов Англии и в число ведущих учебных заведений мира. Образовательные программы университета признают больше 40 профессиональных организаций.
Причины по которым студенты выбирают обучение в Университете Кардифа:
диплом Университета Кардифа признается во всем мире
программы обучения базируются на новейших открытиях и исследованиях
преподаватели являются высококвалифицированными специалистами в своей области
отличные перспективы карьерного роста выпускников, так как работодатели знают о прекрасной подготовке в Университете Кардифа
великолепная инфраструктура университета, финансирование научных грантов
возможность присоединиться к всемирной сети выпускников, занимающих хорошие должностные позиции
Университет является 12-м крупнейшим британским ВУЗом и занимает 5 место в рейтингах по исследовательской работе. По отдельным направлениям входит в 10 лучших университетов Великобритании: 4 место - архитектура и лингвистика, 6 место – специальности в области медиа и коммуникации, география и окружающая среда, фармацевтика и фармакология,7 место – бизнес-специальности; 8 место – инженерные науки, строительство, городское и ландшафтное планирование (Times Good University 2018).
Для своих студентов университет предоставляет проживание в 15 резиденциях, которые расположены в пешей доступности от учебных корпусов и центра города.
Кардифф-столица Уэльсса, расположен в 30 минутах езды от прекрасных пляжей и национальных парков. Поездка на поезде до Лондона займет всего 2 часа. Население города 350 тысяч человек, из которых около 20 процентов это студенты. Кардифф регулярно получает высокие оценке в рейтингах городов, наиболее благоприятных для студентов. Привлекает доступное транспортное сообщение и невысокие затраты, по меркам остальной части Великобритании, на проживание. Уэльс имеет богатую историю, его называют "Замковая столица мира". В этом регионе расположено 600 замков, в том числе и 2000 летний Кардиффский замок.
International Foundation Year
Программа для иностранных студентов, позволяющая подготовиться к поступлению на первый курс бакалавриата. International Foundation Year позволяет развить языковые навыки и привести уровень академической подготовки в соответствие с требованиями британской системы образования.
- Arts, Humanities, Law and Social Sciences
- Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance
- Health, Medical and Life Sciences
Продолжительность программы — 3 семестра. Начало: сентябрь, январь. Стоимость обучения 17000 GBP.
- Accounting (5 courses)
- Accounting and Economics (BSc Econ)
- Accounting and Management (BSc Econ)
- Ancient and Medieval History (BA)
- Ancient History (BA)
- Ancient History and French (BA)
- Ancient History and German (BA)
- Ancient History and History (BA)
- Ancient History and Italian (BA)
- Ancient History and Philosophy (BA)
- Ancient History and Religious Studies (BA)
- Ancient History and Spanish (BA)
- Ancient History and Welsh (BA)
- Archaeology (4 courses)
- Archaeology and Ancient History (BA)
- Archaeology and French (BA)
- Archaeology and German (BA)
- Archaeology and History (BA)
- Archaeology and Italian (BA)
- Archaeology and Philosophy (BA)
- Archaeology and Religious Studies (BA)
- Archaeology and Welsh (BA)
- Architectural Engineering (8 courses)
- Architecture (BSc/MArch)
- Banking and Finance (4 courses)
- Biochemistry (4 courses)
- Biology (4 courses)
- Biomedical Science (4 courses)
- Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy) (4 courses)
- Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience) (4 courses)
- Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) (4 courses)
- Biotechnology (2 courses)
- Business Information Systems (2 courses)
- Business Management (9 courses)
- Chemistry (6 courses)
- City and Regional Planning (4 courses)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (8 courses)
- Civil Engineering (8 courses)
- Combined BScEcon Politics (Cardiff)
- Computer Science (8 courses)
- Computing and Mathematics (2 courses)
- Criminology (BSc)
- Criminology and Education (BSc Econ)
- Criminology and Social Policy (BSc Econ)
- Criminology and Sociology (BSc Econ)
- Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging (BSc)
- Earth and Environmental Science (3 courses)
- Earth Science (2 courses)
- Ecology (4 courses)
- Economics (10 courses)
- Economics and Management Studies
- Education (BA)
- Education and Social Policy (BSc Econ)
- Education and Sociology (BSc Econ)
- Education and Welsh (BA)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (5 courses)
- Engineering Foundation Year (Foundation programme)
- English Language (BA)
- English Language and French (BA)
- English Language and German (BA)
- English Language and Italian (BA)
- English Language and Literature (BA)
- English Language and Philosophy (BA)
- English Language and Spanish (BA)
- English Language and Welsh (BA)
- English Literature (BA)
- English Literature and Ancient History (BA)
- English Literature and Archaeology (BA)
- English Literature and German (BA)
- English Literature and History (BA)
- English Literature and Music (BA)
- English Literature and Philosophy (BA)
- English Literature and Religious Studies (BA)
- English Literature and Welsh (BA)
- Environmental Geoscience (4 courses)
- Exploration and Resource Geology (4 courses)
- Finance and Management (BSc Econ)
- French (BA)
- French and Economics (BA)
- French and English Literature (BA)
- French and German (BA)
- French and History (BA)
- French and Italian (BA)
- French and Japanese (BA)
- French and Mathematics (BA)
- French and Music (BA)
- French and Philosophy (BA)
- French and Politics (BA)
- French and Portuguese (BA)
- French and Spanish (BA)
- French and Welsh (BA)
- Genetics (4 courses)
- Geography (Human) (2 courses)
- Geology (3 courses)
- German (BA)
- German and Economics (BA)
- German and History (BA)
- German and Italian (BA)
- German and Japanese (BA)
- German and Mathematics (BA)
- German and Music (BA)
- German and Politics (BA)
- German and Portuguese (BA)
- German and Religious Studies (BA)
- German and Spanish (BA)
- German and Welsh (BA)
- History (BA)
- History and Economics (BA)
- History and Italian (BA)
- History and Music (BA)
- History and Philosophy (BA)
- History and Religious Studies (BA)
- History and Sociology (BSc Econ)
- History and Spanish (BA)
- History and Welsh (BA)
- History with Welsh History (BA)
- Human and Social Sciences (BSc)
- Integrated Engineering (8 courses)
- International Relations and Politics (2 courses)
- Italian (BA)
- Italian and Economics (BA)
- Italian and English Literature (BA)
- Italian and Japanese (BA)
- Italian and Music (BA)
- Italian and Philosophy (BA)
- Italian and Politics (BA)
- Italian and Portuguese (BA)
- Italian and Spanish (BA)
- Japanese and Portuguese (BA)
- Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (3 courses)
- Journalism, Media and English Literature (BA)
- Journalism, Media and Sociology (BA)
- Law (LLB)
- Law and Criminology (LLB)
- Law and French (LLB)
- Law and German (LLB)
- Law and Politics (LLB)
- Law and Sociology (LLB)
- Law and Welsh (LLB)
- Marine Geography (4 courses)
- Marine Geography MESci
- Marine Geography MESci (International)
- Mathematics (10 courses)
- Mathematics and Religious Studies (BA)
- Mathematics and Welsh (BA)
- Mathematics with Computer Science Options (BSc)
- Mechanical Engineering (8 courses)
- Medical Engineering (5 courses)
- Medical Pharmacology (BSc)
- Microbiology (4 courses)
- Modern History and Politics (BSc Econ)
- Modern Language and Translation (BA)
- Molecular Biology (4 courses)
- Music (BMus)
- Music (BA)
- Music and Mathematics (2 courses)
- Music and Philosophy (BA)
- Music and Religious Studies (BA)
- Music and Welsh (BA)
- Operating Department Practice (BSc)
- Pharmacy (MPharm)
- Philosophy (BA)
- Philosophy and Economics (BA)
- Philosophy and Mathematics (BA)
- Philosophy and Politics (BA)
- Philosophy and Religious Studies (BA)
- Philosophy and Welsh (BA)
- Physics (13 courses)
- Physics and Mathematics (BSc)
- Physics and Music (BSc)
- Physiotherapy (BSc)
- Politics (BSc Econ)
- Politics and Economics (BSc Econ)
- Politics and Religious Studies (BA)
- Politics and Sociology (BSc Econ)
- Politics and Spanish (BA)
- Politics and Welsh (BA)
- Portuguese and Spanish (BA)
- Psychology (2 courses)
- Radiotherapy and Oncology (BSc)
- Religious Studies and Italian (BA)
- Religious Studies and Spanish (BA)
- Religious Studies and Theology (BA)
- Social Analytics (BSc)
- Social Analytics and Politics (BSc)
- Social Policy and Sociology (BSc Econ)
- Social Science (BSc)
- Sociology (BSc Econ)
- Sociology and Welsh (BA)
- Software Engineering (3 courses)
- Spanish (BA)
- Spanish and Economics (BA)
- Spanish and English Literature (BA)
- Spanish and Japanese (BA)
- Spanish and Philosophy (BA)
- Translation (BA)
- Welsh (BA)
- Welsh and Italian (BA)
- Welsh and Journalism (BA)
- Welsh and Religious Studies (BA)
- Welsh and Spanish (BA)
- Zoology (4 courses)
Продолжительность обучения 3-4 года. Стоимость от 18450 GBP.
Программа подготовки Pre-Master’s
Подготовительная программа для иностранных студентов, готовит к поступлению на магистерскую программу Университета Кардифф. Студенты изучают академический английский, совершенствуя свои навыки в чтении, письме, говорении и грамматике. Есть возможность выбрать направления для изучения предметов:
- Business, Social Sciences and Humanities
- Computer Science
Продолжительность программы: 2 семестра. Начало: январь, апрель. Стоимость 15500 GBP.
- History (MA)
- Accounting and Finance (MSc)
- Advanced Computer Science (MSc)
- Advanced Computer Science with placement (MSc)
- Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc)
- Ageing Health and Disease (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
- Analytic & Modern European Philosophy (MA)
- Ancient and Medieval Warfare (MA)
- AncieApplied Environmental Geology (MSc)
- Applied Linguistics (MA/PgDip)
- Archaeology (4 courses)
- Architecture: Professional Studies (MA/PgDip)
- Astrophysics (MSc)
- Bioinformatics / Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
- Biological Chemistry (MSc)
- Biophotonics (MSc)
- Broadcast Journalism (MA/PgDip)
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Strategy & Entrepreneurship (MSc)
- Care of Collections (MSc)
- Catalysis (MSc)
- Childhood and Youth (MSc)
- Civil and Geoenvironmental Engineering (MSc)
- Civil and Water Engineering (MSc)
- Civil Engineering (MSc)
- Communication Technology and Entrepreneurship (MSc)
- Community Health Studies (SPQ) (MSc/PgDip)
- Computational Journalism (MSc)
- Computing (MSc)
- Computing & IT Management (MSc)
- Computing & IT Management with placement (MSc)
- Computing with placement (MSc)
- Conservation Practice (MSc)
- Continuing Professional Development in Law (CPD)
- Creative Writing (MA)
- Crime, Safety and Justice (MSc)
- Critical and Cultural Theory (MA)
- Digital Media and Society (MA)
- Early Celtic Studies (MA)
- Eco-Cities (MSc)
- Education, Policy and Society (MSc)
- Electrical Energy Systems (MSc)
- English Literature (MA)
- Environmental Design of Buildings (MSc)
- Environmental Design of Buildings (Distance Learning) (MSc)
- Ethics and Social Philosophy (MA)
- European Governance and Public Policy (MSc Econ)
- European Legal Studies (LLM)
- European Spatial Planning and Environmental Policy (MSc)
- European Studies (MA)
- Finance (MSc)
- Financial Economics (MSc)
- Food, Space and Society (MSc)
- Forensic Linguistics (MA/PgDip)
- Genetic Counselling (MSc)
- Governance and Devolution (LLM)
- Healthcare Sciences (MSc/PgDip)
- History (MA)
- History and Archaeology of the Greek & Roman World (MA)
- History of the Crusades (MA)
- Human Resource Management (MSc)
- Human Rights Law (LLM)
- Image Appreciation (PgDip/PgCert)
- Information Security & Privacy (MSc)
- Intellectual Property Law (LLM)
- International Commercial Law (LLM)
- International Economics, Banking and Finance (MSc)
- International Human Resource Management (MSc)
- International Journalism (MA)
- International Management (MSc)
- International Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics (MSc)
- International Planning and Development (MSc)
- International Public Relations and Global Communications Management (MA)
- International Relations (MSc Econ)
- International Transport (MSc)
- Islam in Contemporary Britain (MA/PgDip)
- Journalism, Media and Communications (MA)
- Language and Communication Research (MA)
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (MA)
- Law (LLM)
- Legal and Political Aspects of International Affairs (LLM)
- Legal Practice Course (LPC)
- LLM in Legal Practice (LLM)
- LLM Shipping Law (LLM)
- Logistics and Operations Management (MSc)
- Magazine Journalism (MA/PgDip)
- Managing Care in Perioperative Practice (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
- Manufacturing Engineering, Innovation and Management (MSc)
- Marine Policy (MSc)
- Master of Architecture (MArch) (MArch)
- Media Management (MBA)
- Medical Education (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
- Medieval British Studies (MA)
- Music (MA)
- Newspaper Journalism (MA/PgDip)
- Operational Research and Applied Statistics (MSc)
- Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Risk (MSc)
- Orthodontics (MScD)
- Orthopaedic Engineering (MSc)
- Physics (MSc)
- Physiotherapy (MSc/PgDip)
- Political Communication (MA)
- Politics and Public Policy (MSc Econ)
- Professional Conservation (MSc)
- Professional Engineering (MSc)
- Psychology (Diploma)
- Public Health (MPH)
- Radiography (MSc/PgDip)
- Religious Studies (4 courses)
- Science, Media and Communication (MSc)
- Social and Public Policy (MSc)
- Social Care Law (LLM)
- Social Science (MSc)
- Social Science Research Methods (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Business and Management Studies: Banking, Finance and Accounting) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Business and Management Studies: Human Resource Management) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Business and Management Studies: Logistics and Operations Management) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Business and Management Studies: Marketing and Strategy) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Criminology) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Education) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Environmental Planning) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (European Governance & Public Policy) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (International Relations) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Psychology) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Science and Technology Studies) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Social Policy) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Social Work) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Socio-Legal Studies) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Sociology — Global Political Economy) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Science Research Methods (Sociology) (MSc/PgDip)
- Social Work (MA)
- Spatial Planning and Development (MSc)
- Strategic Marketing (MSc)
- Structural Engineering (MSc)
- Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy (MSc)
- Sustainable Building Conservation (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
- Sustainable Energy and Environment (MSc)
- Sustainable Mega-Buildings (MSc/PgDip)
- Theory and Practice of Sustainable Design (MSc)
- Tissue Engineering (MSc/PgDip)
- Translation Studies (MA)
- Transport and Planning (MSc)
- Urban and Regional Development (MSc)
- Urban Design (MA)
- Welsh and Celtic Studies/Astudiaethau Cymreig a Cheltaidd (MA)
- Welsh Government and Politics (MSc Econ)
- Welsh History (MA)
- Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering (MSc)
Продолжительность программы — 1 год. Стоимость от 18000 GBP.
- Бизнес и менеджмент
- Финансы
- Бухгалтерский учет
- Биомедицина
- Медицинские специальности
- Науки в области здравоохранения
- География
- Иностранные языки
- Журналистика, медиа
- Право
- Психология
- Социальные науки
- Фармацевтика
- Психология
- Инженерия
Подготовка в ВУЗ International Foundation Year (Study Group)
- аттестат средней школы с хорошими оценками
- IELTS 5.0-6.0 (в зависимости от специальности)
- 17+
Pre-Master’s Programm
- диплом бакалавра в соответствующей области
- IELTS 6.0
- Возраст 20+
- Возраст учащихся: 18+
- Даты начала: сентябрь
- Требования для зачисления: английский — IELTS 6,5 или эквивалент, школьный аттестат + успешное окончание программы foundation или международный школьный сертификат (A-Level, IB)
- Возраст учащихся: 21+
- Даты начала: сентябрь
- IELTS 6,5 (эквивалент), диплом бакалавра/специалиста, академические рекомендации, мотивационное письмо, прохождение интервью, резюме.